Week 6 Lab: EmpoWord Notes

Week 6 Lab For this week's story lab, I decided to explore EmpoWord. Specifically, Chapter 2: Telling a Story. Chapter Two: Telling a Story: Narration is an important aspect of storytelling and choices during narration can create an impactful beautiful and interesting story Important vocabulary words: characterization, dialogue, dynamic character, epiphany, flat character, mood, multimedia, narration, narrative pacing, narrative scope, narrative sequence, plot, pov, round character, static character, & tone scope refers to the boundaries of your plot: where/when does it begin and end? whats its focus? it is important with scope to drive a story and prune out extraneous situations You can say more by digging deep into a few ideas or events instead of trying to relate every idea or event The most impactful stories are those that represent something In media res refers to starting your story with action rather than exposition (an antagonistic, imagistic...