Week 4 Lab: Writers Write Notes


Week 4 Lab

    I decided to browse the writer's write website for my week 4 lab. After browsing the website for a while there were two articles that stuck out to me the most. Both had useful tips for story writing which will be very helpful for this class. Here are some of the notes I took on the two:

The Super Simple Story Structure & How to Use It

  • The story structure was broke down into 5 distinguishable parts. One of the first was your goal and they had featured the question "what does the protagonist want more than anything. This is important as you want your protagonist to have a clear end goal and the audience can have something to cheer on toward the finish line. The next part of the structure was the plan which basically means to make sure your audience understands why the protagonist chose the strategy they do to reach their goal. The third part of the structure is "stakes", which is actually two parts. This allows for the story to be enticing if the protagonists do not achieve their goal there will be consequences. Lastly, there is the motivation behind the protagonist's goal. Meaning, to make sure the audience understands the characters why.

  • This article breaks down how to use a short story checklist. They start by telling you if you have an idea start writing (freewriting). They exclaim that you should remove all expectations and maybe even use a timer. Basically, you do not stop writing until the timer goes off. After, you should be able to see a story and be able to start considering the rules of fiction. After you have done a draft you can begin to identify the other components you need an resolve them. Checklists allow us to develop half-formed ideas into something that can pass off as a story. 

Make a checklist

(Source: Pixabay)


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