Week 7 Story: Mr. Finesse

 Mr. Finesse

Chris was a common lowlife and drug dealer in his neighborhood. He wanted badly to be able to get out of the drug game and go clean. However, the man who runs his block told him if he were to leave he would kill him. They called this man Ghost because not a lot of people knew his true identity. Only Chris and a few other close associates knew of his true identity, which is why Chris could not just go to the police and snitch. Chris had been plotting all kinds of ways to get out of his situation. He contemplated murder but knew of the consequences he may face. Then, his best idea had surfaced as he remembered that Ghost was a big fan of gambling. Chris also remembered his Uncle was a big-time gambler and somewhat of a finesser out on the streets. He could finesse his way out of anything and he was known for it. They called him Mr. Finesse on the streets. It did not matter the circumstance, whatever challenge he was faced with Mr. Finesse like his name could finesse it. So Chris orchestrated his plan knowing that he would call Mr. Finesse to help win a gambling match for his freedom from Ghost. Mr. Finesse plays with loaded dice which is Chris’ ace in the hole. Then it began and Chris called up Ghost and demanded that he played dice for his freedom. Chris also told him while he laid the stakes, that his Uncle would be the one to throw the dice. Ghost was not a common fool and knew something was up but his pride forced his hand. Ghost lost, but it did not end there as Chris had already gained his freedom they started to up the stakes. Chris was so engulfed in this situation his whole idea of going clean had dissipated as he had won all of Ghost's territory and men. Chris took full advantage of the situation and decided that he be the new Ghost on the streets and make Mr. Finesse his second in command

The Gambling Match

(Source: Tumblr)

Authors Note: For this story, I decided to adapt the story of The Gambling Match. The original story was about Duryodhana overcoming the Pandavas by winning a gambling match. He did this by using Shakhuni who plays with loaded dice and renowned for his skills and intellect as a gambler. Although, Yudhishthira was privy to the fact that the game was sketchy he still went through with and lost all he had. I adapted this story by changing the characters; Chris is essentially Duryodhana and is trying to win his freedom by a gambling match against the infamous Ghost. Chris pleaded for his Uncle also known as Mr. Finesser to help him in his efforts. With the end goal of becoming free in mind Chris the situation exacerbated. He became overwhelmed and continued to prey on Ghost's pride and took everything.

BibliographyPDE Mahabharata, The Gambling Match


  1. Hi Wesley,
    I enjoyed reading this story; it was short and sweet. I got really far off track and missed a lot of the Mahabharata reading, so I'm not familiar with the plot of the gambling story or the events that follow, but after reading your story I have a lot of follow-up questions about what ultimately happens to the characters! Chris set out to liberate himself from his former life of crime, but with his uncle's help he actually wins Ghost's status as a crime lord. Does he become somehow a more benevolent leader than Ghost was? Does the power corrupt him? Also, will he face any consequences for cheating?

  2. Hi Wesley,

    First off, I like the direction you took this story, but I have a few questions. I know it is based off the reading but I wonder why in this story Ghost would agree to risk his power to retain one man? Also, what would stop Ghost from killing Chris to retain his power since Chris is just a common dealer and Ghost has been the established leader and, presumably, has the loyalty of his men?


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