Feedback Strategies: Week 3

Preschoolers and Praise: What Kinds of Messages Help Kids Grow?How to Give Bad Feedback Without Being a Jerk

    I think learning feedback strategies is important. In most of the classes that I have taken since I have attended OU has required us to implore so version of feedback. Mostly in discussions, we have had to reply and give feedback to our peers, however, we have never been taught how our feedback can be part of their learning process. The first article Preschoolers and Praise explored the growth mindset. More specifically, mindsets are malleable and can be changed. One of the more important ideas it explored was replacing generic praise with process praise. This is important as this article focuses on fixing mindsets in children which is great as it is important to introduce these ideas at a young age. Next, I read the article How to Give Bad Feedback Without  Being a Jerk which explored four important steps to make your criticism constructive. The first step explaining you’re giving the feedback and following with taking yourself off a pedestal. Taking yourself off a pedestal is important because a negative feedback can make people inferior which makes leveling the playing field less threatening.  The third step is asking if the person wants feedback and the final step is to have a transparent dialogue.

    (Source: Mindset Blog)


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