Week 2 Reading Overview

For the Ramayana we will be reading next week, I decided to choose the Public Domain Edition: Ramayana. I chose this edition because its various styles and authors. I think it will make it easier to choose different plot elements to tell my own story. I also like that the Public Domain Edition contains lots of illustrations while the modern editions contain none at all. I can possibly use the illustrations used in the reading for my blog posts. The Public Domain Edition overall features some key factors I could not pass up, as I feel they will go a long way in making my assignments easier. One of the comics I chose was Vishvamrita: The King Who Became an Ascetic . I chose this one because the story sounds amusing, it is about a King who the greatest of all sages. The second comic I chose is The Sons of Rama: Luv and Kush -- The Invincible Twins . I chose this one because of the title, the idea behind invincible twins was too intriguing to pass up. The video I chose is Foods for Go...