Week 2 Reading Overview

 For the Ramayana we will be reading next week, I decided to choose the Public Domain Edition: Ramayana. I chose this edition because its various styles and authors. I think it will make it easier to choose different plot elements to tell my own story. I also like that the Public Domain Edition contains lots of illustrations while the modern editions contain none at all. I can possibly use the illustrations used in the reading for my blog posts. The Public Domain Edition overall features some key factors I could not pass up, as I feel they will go a long way in making my assignments easier. One of the comics I chose was Vishvamrita: The King Who Became an Ascetic. I chose this one because the story sounds amusing, it is about a King who the greatest of all sages. The second comic I chose is The Sons of Rama: Luv and Kush -- The Invincible Twins. I chose this one because of the title, the idea behind invincible twins was too intriguing to pass up. The video I chose is Foods for Gods which goes through a number of different things immortal gods are said to consume. Learning the different beverages and foods that immortal gods eat sounded interesting as well as the fact that the video was pretty short. The other video I chose is The Greatest Twins, simply because it fits with one of the comics I had chosen. I chose the image below because it is a picture of Yama, which is one of the twin deities. Yama is known as the lord of death ad after-life. 

(Source: Indian Epics Images)


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